The myth that fish phosphorus makes us smarter, was dethroned in 2010. Scientific observations then showed that if the brain and requires phosphorus, not to the extent that it depends on.
Yet it turned out that the fish be sure to have, especially for those who have memory problems. Scientists from the Centre for Neuroscience University of Alberta were finally able to find out what processes occur in the brains of lovers of fish dishes. In particular, the researchers found that polyunsaturated fatty acids omega-3, which is filled with saltwater fish (salmon, trout, herring, etc.) Make the brain cells interact with each other. This is especially true in the hippocampus - the area of the brain that is responsible for the assimilation of information from the environment and memory. Hippocampus, as we found out Canadian neuroscientists appreciably exposed to docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which is one component of omega-3 - acids.
Experiments have shown that the higher the level of the brain, - the active form neuronal connections between brain cells, and therefore, the better the person acquires information and easily when needed it can remember. So if you have been complaining about problems with memory, use the advice of scientists and increase the daily rate of omega-3 (2.5 g) at 30%. These fatty acids have on the body extremely beneficial effect and no effect on the waist.