Do not look for excuses, developed the habit of not eating breakfast. If you think that by doing so can lose weight, you are deeply mistaken. Over lunch, your body will try to compensate for not dopoluchennye calories and often stock up on them in reserve.
The second reason to skip breakfast, lies in the lack of time. This is not an excuse. It can be 10 minutes early, wake up or postpone Evening Reading gift books. Then the future will be for lunch. All of these beliefs are not just empty words. The fact is that American scientists have found that rejection of the breakfast is not only bad for the figure, but also increases the risk of cardiovascular disease.
It suggests that in the absence of a breakfast in humans increases the level of cholesterol. If you missed breakfast once or twice a month, with the amount of bad cholesterol the body to cope. But if you decide to do not eat breakfast, then the risk of cardiovascular disease increases only as much as you missed breakfast.
True mechanism for increasing levels of bad cholesterol, scientists from New York, was not disclosed. In spite of this all across America turned propaganda mandatory use of the breakfast, which should include dairy products, juices and hot drinks and cereals.