The researchers analyzed data from the medical records of more than four thousand people, and established the relationship between the irregular food intake and the probability of occurrence of metabolic disorders.
It was found that people who neglect breakfast and lunch, had a greater waist circumference, elevated blood urovniholesterThe first evidence that the problem of obesity among US citizens gained irreversible effects, evidenced by the fact that many scientists rather than to promote diets, slimming, began to look for an excuse overweight. Here, scientists from Los Angeles claimed that the statements about the dangers of excess weight are without foundation.
They did not place this information, they published it in the popular among the population of the state publication The Daily Mail. As proof of the correctness of their statements, scientists led by the fact that fat people are significantly less likely to die from heart disease, kidney disease and diabetes. Scientists believe that this malnutrition is a prerequisite for such diseases.
But before all adhered to science-based statements that extra weight - it is an additional burden on the heart, and hence the development of such terrible diseases as hypertension, heart failure, heart attack, etc. And the kidneys of excess weight is not happy. Accumulation of excess fluid in body fat causes the kidneys of people work with a double load, and hence the wear. And the risk of diabetes in obese people is much higher than the slender and thin.
One can agree with the scientists from Los Angeles, that power must be correct, complete and healthy. No cost to starve yourself, but you should not overeat. Try to maintain a healthy lifestyle and enjoy life itself, not bring himself to her as a sacrifice. ina and more signs of insulin resistance.
Recommended by therapists as follows: "... it is necessary to adhere to a clear diet and do not skip the normal hearty breakfast with vitamins and a light evening meal."