Vitamin K: prophylactic against cancer of the lymphatic system

For information: Vitamin K is a fat-soluble vitamins. It is found in leafy green vegetables that give between 50 to 800 micrograms of agent per 100 g of product. Vitamin K is found in green tomatoes, rose hips, spinach leaves, oats, soybeans, wheat. Much less content in root crops and fruits. Because most foods rich in vitamin K pork liver and eggs. It is also synthesized in the human gut microflora. 

Experts from the Mayo Clinic Cancer Center in Minnesota (USA) conducted an experiment in which examined the relationship between diet and the likelihood of cancer. At the same time, doctors have paid special attention to vitamin C. 

In recent years, the scientific community has information about the new properties of this vitamin. In addition, Vitamin K is one of the main factors in blood clotting, it is also able to inhibit the activity of inflammatory cytokines, which are associated with the development of lymphoma and cell death. 

Lymphoma - a group of diseases of the lymphatic system, which is characterized by enlarged lymph nodes and the defeat of various internal organs in which there is uncontrolled formation and accumulation of "tumor" cells. 

In the American study involved more than 1500 volunteers, of whom 600 participants were diagnosed with lymphoma. Volunteers were asked to complete questionnaires about the taste preferences. The questionnaire consisted of more than 120 names of products and nutritional supplements that are consumed by volunteers for the past two years. Based on the responses, scientists have identified the intake of vitamin K. It has been found that the risk of non-Hodgkin's lymphoma was almost 50% lower in those who received more than 108 micrograms of vitamin K per day. 

Thus it was established an interesting fact: dietary supplements that contain vitamin K, reduced risk of developing lymphomas to a certain level. That is, an artificial analog of vitamin K is lost for effective natural products. 

Lead researcher Dr. James Tserhan said: "Although our findings need to be confirmed by further scientific research, now we can say that the consumption of green vegetables lowers the risk of developing certain types of cancer." 

The results of scientific research are published in a report at the 101st annual meeting of the American Association for Cancer Research (American Association for Cancer Research). 

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