What causes do plastic surgery

These people, mostly women, are constantly dissatisfied with their appearance. And, as it turns out, it is not just a feature of the character - a very common personality disorder called dysmorphophobia. Despite the fact that it is widespread, disorder is difficult to diagnose, so many people are trying to "cure" his spiritual discomfort scalpel plastic surgeon.

Dysmorphophobia manifested negative perception of his face, body, or any part thereof. The man with the permanent exhibits, and an exaggerated concern about the appearance of defects - imaginary or minor. Although any area of ​​the body can be the center of attention concern the appearance of skin, hair and nose are the most common. Dysmorphophobia dangerous not just the fact that it literally ruins people's lives - is a disorder associated with a high rate of suicide attempts.

Typical symptoms associated with behaviors include frequent looking into the mirror, and "disguise", for example, (for example, the habit of closing hair hat or excessive make-up). Such a man is looking for confidence in the office of aestheticians, dermatologists and surgeons, which tries the most radical techniques to "improve" their appearance. Although no one can predict how the patient will respond to this kind of treatment given to psychiatrists suggest that these procedures are unlikely to help to calm down and may even worsen the patient's condition.

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